Friday, February 6, 2009


The only thing that I really know about media coming into the course is that I see it everywhere and it would be pretty much impossible for me to get away from it. Since it is everywhere I go and it's on people wearing labels, there is advertisements on television and the radio. I know that it would be very difficult for me to completly shut out the media around me.
I am interested in learning about how effective media is on some people and how it changes society. I want to know about the costs that some companies will spend in order to produce media for us and if it pays off to put out media. Also, I would like to learn about the changes that media has made over the years and improved. As well as the quantity of media that is produced compared to the past.
Something that I learned this past week that I didn't know before about media was the terms that companies will use to try and trick people into buying their products. Also that there has been a huge increase in the amount of media that we are surronded by. When reading the article about watching previews before the movies I noticed that there were many angry people who have a problem with the amount of media that is being produced.

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